Pet Burial

Cost to Bury a Pet

What’s the cost to bury a pet in my area?
Prices vary based on the location of the pet cemetery.  The best way to know for sure is to ask the local Pet Aftercare professionals in your community. If you need immediate assistance, get a price quote in your community:

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What determines pet cemetery costs and prices for the service?
Since the prices charged for pet cremation is based on your pet’s size, you’ll need to know the approximate weight of your pet to determine cemetery plot size. You’ll need to decide the type of burial casket that you want for your pet and a Pet Aftercare professional can help you decide. Other fees may include headstone marker and ongoing cemetery maintenance fees.

Search the Directory to find a local Pet Aftercare professional and tell them;

  • Your pet’s weight
  • Type of burial casket desired
  • Your headstone or marker choice
  • Your budget for maintenance fees

Helpful Articles:

Handling My Deceased Pet’s Remains

Pet Cemeteries Grow More Popular – Chicago Tribune

When Pets Die, Owners Spare No Expense – Sun-Sentinel

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