An informational website for Pet Lovers since ©2004 PETAFTERCARE.COM began in 2004 as a resource listing for grieving pet owners when few existed on the internet. Original content was provided by locally-owned, pet aftercare service providers around the country who had published their own pet loss bereavement resource pages. A directory listing of those businesses was added and then a searchable database directory that was later upgraded to the U.S. PetAftercare Directory now at PetAftercare.US (AnuWaze Media, LLC dba
CONTACT: Email Pet Aftercare (832) 592-7459

What is Pet Aftercare?
Pet aftercare services are designed to help pet owners care for their pets during and after a pet’s death. These services can include a variety of things, such as:
Recent Blog Posts:
- Pet Loss Bereavement
- About The U.S. PetAftercare Directory
- Average Cost of Pet Cremation in the U.S.
- Pet Insurance for End of Life Expenses
- Cost & Considerations for Pet Burial
- Why Pet Owners Choose Pet Cremation
- Estimating My Pet’s Weight
- Handling My Deceased Pet’s Remains
- Costs of Pet Cremation
- Cost to Bury a Pet
- Cleaning Tips For Homes With Pets
- Video: Euthanizing My Pet
- Video: Coping with Pet Loss
- Video: When My Pet Died
- My Pet Died and I Need Help Now
- Can I Bury My Pet at Home?
- Pet Loss Counseling & Self-Help
- Search for Pet Aftercare Near Me
If you would like to submit a website link or content that would be beneficial to grieving pet owners, please send an email to: Email Pet Aftercare
Comments and other recommendations should be addressed to Email Pet Aftercare